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This section addresses how I work with clients. If you're interested in knowing more about Agilism, click here.


What is coaching exactly?

Here's how my coaching will help you:

  • Giving feedback
  • Challenging you
  • Monitoring progress & moving you forward
  • Setting targets and points of action
  • Holding you accountable for your decisions
  • Working on specific developmental areas
  • Supporting and encouraging you over the long term (programs)


Who can benefit most from Agilism coaching?

Agilism coaching is designed for anyone seeking to navigate life’s unpredictabilities with greater ease and confidence. Whether you're an entrepreneur trying to scale your business, or somebody going through a challenging personal transition, Agilism can empower you to face challenges in just about every scenario:

  • Professionals facing industry shifts: Ideal for those needing to adapt their career paths due to evolving market conditions.
  • Entrepreneurs and business owners: Enhances business agility in a rapidly changing business environment.
  • Individuals undergoing personal transitions: Supports those dealing with significant life changes like relocation, career changes, or retirement.
  • For Organizational Change: Helps in cultivating a resilient and adaptable organizational culture.
  • Creatives and Innovators: Provides a framework for managing the unpredictability in creative endeavors.
  • Students and Learners: Develops a flexible mindset.
  • Midlife Professionals: Assists in re-evaluating life goals and purposes in later life 'stages.'
  • For Financial Planning: Ideal for those looking to create flexible financial plans that can withstand uncertainties and nonlinearities in life.
  • Anyone seeking stronger, adaptive relationships: Ideal for navigating the complexities of modern social interactions.

How do I know if this is right for me?

Agilism coaching may not suit everyone. This type of coaching is designed for those who are ready to fundamentally change their approach to life and work by applying a different mindset.

To determine whether Agilism coaching is the right approach, you should take into account the following factors:

  • You should feel a strong desire to alter the current trajectory of your life, career, or business.
  • A key benefit of Agilism coaching is the ability to thrive in unpredictable environments. Are you comfortable exploring uncertainty?
  • You must be committed to your personal and professional development.
  • Agilism coaching requires you to apply learnings quickly and pivot swiftly. Are you really ready to act?
  • This coaching is geared towards sustainable mindset changes, not just a quick fix.
  • Feedback is a crucial part of the coaching process. Are you receptive to open and direct feedback?
  • Have you familiarized yourself with the principles of Agilism and, given your current challenges, do they resonate?

Ultimately, if you are not willing to put in the work, prefer not to be challenged directly, or are looking for quick fixes, other coaching programs might serve you better.

If this resonates, then you're probably ready to try at least one Compass Call session to get you unstuck and heading off in the right direction.

If you think you're ready, you can book a call here.

What does Agilism coaching cost?

For information on current coaching sessions and plans, click here.

What's the difference between a Compass Call and a Discovery Call?

Agilism Compass Calls relate specifically to any aspect of a change or transition you're experiencing. For examples of the types of scenarios related to Agilism coaching, click here.

Discovery calls are more general in nature. With my 30 years in international business, entrepreneurship, and investment, I believe you may get more mileage out of a Discovery Call if it's more business-related. For Discovery Call examples, click here.

Do you run a coaching program?

At the current time, I only offer customized coaching programs based on availability and bandwidth, given my other business engagements.

If you feel that a single session isn't enough for you, you might want to consider the 'Pathfinder Package' of 4 calls, which you can schedule at your own pace.

If you've completed a couple of calls and you still think a program might be beneficial, I'm happy to consider a tailored program in line with my availability.

However, the minimum engagement period would be 12 weeks. It takes at least this amount of time before you can start to see significant results in your life.


What makes you different from other coaches?

Because it’s more than just navigating change and transition—it's about mastering it. As the architect of Agilism, I offer you not just a philosophy but a practical system shaped by a lifetime of diverse experiences and adaptability.

My coaching isn't textbook. It's a distillation of real-world experiences across over 40 countries and several industries, tailored to help you thrive in the nonlinear nature of today's world.

What is unique about your coaching methodology?

Agilism coaching goes beyond a simple change of direction; it's about a major mindset shift.

From the moment we start our engagement, I'll challenge you to leave all preconceptions at the door—from fancy job titles to material possessions.

My focus is on facilitating your transformation and holding you accountable to a real, tangible shift in direction.

How long do your sessions last?

You can book coaching sessions for either 30 minutes or 60 minutes. Clarity calls last 60 minutes.

How do we schedule our sessions?

Simply click here and it will take you to a Calendly link.

Where do sessions take place?

Most of my coaching and advisory sessions usually take place over Zoom or Skype. We can also phone, but that depends on what country I'm in at the time, and long-distance rates will apply.

What should I expect during our coaching sessions?

Expect to be pushed and held accountable.

If you're going through a particularly challenging transition, please know that I'm not a wallflower in your coaching journey. If you're inclined to self-pity, please leave it at the door. Otherwise, my coaching might not be for you.

At the same time, I deeply care about your success and commitment, but I demand active participation and commitment to change.

What commitments do you require from me as a client?

Your commitment is crucial for the success of the coaching process. Here’s what I expect from you:

  • Be Open: You’ll be challenged and need to be receptive to new ideas.
  • Be Ready: Be prepared to take immediate action on the strategies we develop.
  • Be Accountable: You will be held accountable for making progress.
  • Be Non-judgmental: Approach each session with an open mind, ready to explore new possibilities.

What if I am late or I miss a session?

S...t happens, and things come up. I know! I'll try to be understanding. However, please treat my schedule the same way you treat your own, so some ground rules please:

If you need to reschedule an appointment, please provide at least a 48-hour notice and a minimum of a 24-hour notice. 

If you miss your scheduled appointment and you let me know within a 24-hour notice period, you will need to pay for the missed session.

If you turn up late for a paid session, the session will still end at the usual scheduled time.

There are no refunds or reschedules for missed appointments. Remember, I'm holding the time which is unavailable time for other paid clients.

Do you work with large organizations/corporates?

My expertise and experience is mostly valued by individuals going through some kind of change or transition.

If you're interested in me delivering a workshop or speaking engagement related to the principles of Agilism, please click here.

How are the sessions structured?

Once you've selected and purchased a session package, you will receive a link to schedule your appointment via Calendly. Choose a time that suits your schedule to ensure you are fully prepared and focused.

To prepare for the call, have your list of specific questions prepared. This helps maximize the efficiency and focus of our session. Ideally, send them to me beforehand.

Ensure you are in a quiet space to avoid distractions. Use high-quality headphones and a microphone to ensure clear communication. Also, ensure your environment is free from interruptions to maintain the quality of our interaction.

Once our session starts, I'll guide the conversation, addressing your prepared questions and any specific challenges you are facing.

After the session, you will receive an audio recording of our conversation for your reference, depending on the session you've chosen. I'll also provide session notes, relevant resource links mentioned during the call, and a list of action items we've agreed upon to propel you forward.