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Why Resilience Has Its Limits

Why Resilience Has Its Limits

There's no shortage of books and articles extolling the virtues of resilience. However, as life becomes increasingly nonlinear, these traditional mantras about resilience may not carry the same weight as they once did.

2 min read
Beware of Experience Alone

Beware of Experience Alone

A commonly held belief among many of my clients is that their experience is an asset. It seems that the older we get, the more we rely on this mantra. While it is true that you may have accumulated a wealth of experience in certain areas, this is a dangerous assumption. Experience in what?

2 min read
Retirement: A Hybrid Activity

Retirement: A Hybrid Activity

The linear lifestyle conditions us to think that we get on the treadmill of life and work our butts towards a lifestyle at some distant point in the future called "retirement." If we define the pursuit of retirement as sacrificing ourselves

2 min read
Embracing Nonlinearity

Embracing Nonlinearity

I'm in the middle of writing a white paper for a new media company I have just started called The Interlude Café, scheduled to launch in September this year. The company is for a new generation of people over 45 who don't view life in the traditional linear format of education,

3 min read
Business: Not (Quite) a Game

Business: Not (Quite) a Game

We often hear business being described as a game - mainly because elements of strategy, competition, rules, levels, and objectives are involved. The pursuit of profit can

1 min read
How to Stumble Across Things

How to Stumble Across Things

For all our love of planning and goal-setting, one thing never ceases to amaze me: the number of times I hear somebody say they could never have envisioned a year ago what they're doing now. How does that happen?

1 min read
You're Not the Big Cheese!

You're Not the Big Cheese!

Any transition or reinvention involves being able to move on from the past. But we often think of the ability to move on as ditching emotional baggage. But being unable to move on from a former identity can be equally pernicious.

1 min read
Age Is Not an Advantage

Age Is Not an Advantage

I've been asked a lot about my thoughts on whether people over 50 should start a business. I'm always baffled by the question because the stats clearly show a rising trend of people over 50 starting a new business.

1 min read
Anchoring Bias in Transitions

Anchoring Bias in Transitions

You finally made a move to dump the demanding but high-paying job in the city. Finally, after a decade of living a fast-paced life in the corporate world, you're done. You were suddenly offered a job i

1 min read