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We Live Longer Than We Think

We Live Longer Than We Think

In the 20th century, we added more years to our average life span than in the previous 1,000 years. In a single short span of human history, the length of time we have to live has doubled. Most babies born today in the world's developed

2 min read
Nature Hates Straight Lines

Nature Hates Straight Lines

We are introduced to the notion of a linear path as soon as we begin our journey through school. We follow a predetermined curriculum in a controlled environment, where everybody has access to the same resources and materials, follows the

1 min read
The Art of Accepting Outcomes

The Art of Accepting Outcomes

The simple act of flipping a coin might seem insignificant. But below its apparent simplicity lies a world of foggy probability and unpredictability. When flipping a coin, we have a 50/50 chance of getting either heads or tails. Therefore, we know the odds.

1 min read
Grit Doesn't Make You Infallible

Grit Doesn't Make You Infallible

Organizations and leadership models predominantly popularize a common narrative that leaders must possess "grit." Angela Duckworth characterizes this image of grit as the combination of passion and

2 min read
Asymmetrical Risk Beats B-Plan

Asymmetrical Risk Beats B-Plan

The entrepreneurial world is the world of unknowns—a random, complicated, nonlinear world that conceals many opportunities and setbacks at every turn. In the world of uncertainty, simplistic seesaws of equilibrium don't exist.

1 min read
The 'Leap of Faith' is Misguided

The 'Leap of Faith' is Misguided

"Entrepreneurship is about jumping and building on the way down" is an aphorism frequently thrown around in startup circles. While the words are inspiring and make you think of the intelligent innovators and risk-takers who changed the world in some small

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Beware Your Stories

Beware Your Stories

The origin of a six-word tale, rumored to be written by Ernest Hemingway, is clouded in mystery: "For sale: Baby shoes. Never worn." This "story" has gone down in literary history as

2 min read
Goals & Learning From Mindball

Goals & Learning From Mindball

Several years back, I was visiting the Science Museum in Vancouver with my kids and we came across a super interesting game called Mindball. The game requires two players two players to sit at opposite ends of a table and wear a headband that is equipped with electrodes connected to the table.

1 min read
Ditch the Cosmic Justice

Ditch the Cosmic Justice

We frequently use the phrase "what goes around, comes around" to imply that people will ultimately bear the consequences of their good or bad deeds. While this premise may occasionally be accurate, it's also a dangerously oversimplified perspective.

1 min read
AQ - The Agilism Quotient

AQ - The Agilism Quotient

Most of us are now familiar with 'emotional intelligence, otherwise defined as "emotional quotient" or "EQ." In short, it's the ability to positively understand, use, and control your emotions to ease stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, solve

1 min read
The Fallacy of Goals

The Fallacy of Goals

I was sitting in my favorite coffee shop this morning. Amid the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the clanging of cups, my attention was drawn to a nearby table where two young people were engaged in a lively conversation about their future goals.

2 min read

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